A new reconciliation ministry in Zimbabwe? Next year, ‘We are One!’ has agreed to raise £2000 as a working budget to help support the establishment of a new reconciliation ministry in Zimbabwe. FIND OUT MORE

Welcome to the website for ‘We are One!’

A Christian reconciliation ministry – “Though we are many, we are one body in Christ!” Romans 12 v5

“The song of hope can break the shackles in any human soul. It can travel anywhere effortlessly, bursting through language barriers; crossing cultural divides; bypassing military checkpoints. It cannot be suppressed either by political censorship or religious ideology. When it reaches the human heart, it lights a fire that cannot be extinguished; the desire for freedom and the belief that peace and justice will one day come. The song of hope brings light to the dark corners of the world. So, let it shine!”

If you believe in the power of the song, you’ve come to the right place! Music can inspire hope and promote peace in divided nations and cultures right across the world. Worship can prepare the heart and point the way to the one place where broken lives can receive total healing – the cross of Christ.

Over 20 years, we’ve partnered with other reconciliation ministries to mentor young worship leaders and musicians in different nations, fostering creativity and helping them produce several CD’s for adults and children along the way. Along the way, we’ve worked with a whole host of Christian musicians and singers both in the UK and Africa; a journey of rich discovery and mutual blessing!

Who have you worked with?

Along the way, we’ve partnered with other Christian ministries; here is a brief list of some of them: Healing the Nations, Rabagirana, African Enterprise, Micah Network, Voices from the Nations, YWAM – Rwanda, Le Rucher, United Bible Society, InterWeave.

What events have you been a part of?

Prayer concerts (UK), major national reconciliation events (Rwanda), worship and songwriting workshops (Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya), leading worship at healing & reconciliation seminars (South Africa), and childrens conferences [UK teams to Zimbabwe]

What facilities do you have?

There’s no big buildings or offices, as such. But we do have a recording studio, called Moonstone Studios, which is located in Malmesbury, Wiltshire, UK. There’s also a music label called We Are One Music that acts as an umbrella for copyright and publishing.

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